Truth Accountability Partner

Achieving a goal that you set, requires accountability. Goals often require you to complete tasks. These tasks have to be achieved before you can say that you have reached your goal. When you keep your goal to yourself, you are only accountable to yourself….

Having a partner to help guide you to your goal, will help you see where you stall, stop, and help you proceed. 

A Truth Accountability Partner (TAP) holds you accountable for the steps you are working on to achieve your ultimate goal. 

When you are accountable to someone, other than yourself, the more apt you are to complete the steps… 

We can fool ourselves, but we do not want to tell our TAP that we failed because we didn’t try. 

A TAP is not a counselor but a confidant

A TAP supports and does not condemn

A TAP celebrates when you WIN 

If you are ready to SMASH your goals, but need a supportive hand, contact me so we can discuss how I can help you stay accountable to yourself… 

I am not a therapist.. I am not a psychologist…I am a living testimony!


(813) 922-5828

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