Yielding Everything to the Spirit

By Kia G.

Often times we find ourselves saying yes, before we have thought about the consequences. Whether it is time, money, or a favor. All of it means the same thing, commitment. Your yes today, may mean you running to the store, for a friend, when you are beyond tired. That yes you gave when you had extra, may be the reason you are upset because now you are in need of it for a bill. The favor you gladly said yes to seems to be a no when you need the same in return. The consequences of your yes are sometimes hard lessons we learn from. 

In life, we all have said yes, and regretted it as soon as it left our lips. The promise of doing something that you may not really want to do. Some of you are thinking of the many times you, yourself have fallen victim to a yes robbery. Well, what if I told you that’s exactly what God wants us to say, Y.E.S! I am not saying he is holding us hostage with a gun, but I must say your answer may be life or death. 

"You've fallen victim to a yes robbery"

When you say yes to God, there are some consequences too, but He makes sure it works out for your good. You see, saying yes to Him means Yielding Everything to the Spirit. Yup, you heard me, everything! That sounds easy, right? Not at all, if we are being honest, it may be one of the hardest answers we will give.  Worth it, yes. Easy, nope. 

"Worth it, yes. Easy, nope!"

Saying yes to God, means saying no to a lot of things that bring our flesh enjoyment. The club scene you no longer enjoy, but go to please your friends. What about your room mate? The one you are too afraid to tell shacking is no longer something you’re okay with. Or what about the gossip you now just listen to when you once engaged? You find yourself torn between the things you used to do with what you are being led to do…live for Christ. 

If I am talking about you, then I must also be talking about me! I will be the first to say, there were many things I had to give up when I decided to live fully for Christ. I will also admit, there some things He is still working on. Remember, He is not through with me yet! There are people that I no longer desire to be around. Things I used to thrive on, turn me completely off. Places I once enjoyed, I would rather pass instead. 

Saying yes to the spirit is worth all the consequences. Whatever I may endure, is worth my reasons for always saying yes. He is my protection. He continually forgives me. He is my everlasting friend. He supplies all of my needs. He is a father. He is my company keeper. He is my healer. He is the epitome of love. I could sit here and continue listing all the reasons why yielding everything to the spirit is worth my yes… but the one that gets me every time is He died on a cross for me!



"He is the epitome of love"

When is the last time the people or things you continually say yes to, risked anything for you? Especially their life! I think it is time for you to re-think what or who deserves your yes!

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