Will You Die With The Promise

By. Kia G.

There are many of us that hold onto promises like they are our last breathe. We talk bout them. We long for them and we spend countless hours preparing for them. Some of us know the day and hour, down to the minute, it was told to us. We can often recite it word for word, or for some, tell how the dream unfolded. 

"We long for them and we spend countless hours preparing for them"

Thinking of all the preparation, waiting, and lets not forget patience. Would you ever think to ask yourself, “Will I die with the promise?” That is heavy, right? Something you have been anticipating, trusting God for, and it is going to die with you! Why? That just can’t be right! I must have misspoken. Nope, you heard me correctly. That promise may just die with you, IF you don’t make some changes. 

"The promise may just die with you!"

How many of us go tell everyone what has been promised to us? I will be the first to raise my hand. I am guilty of this. I am getting better, but I still find myself telling others what someone or better yet, God, has promised me. First mistake…telling others. Yes, God wants us to tell all of his goodness, but after it’s done. Do you not know or realize just how many of the people you think are excited for you, actually aren’t. Shocker, huh? 

Have you ever heard of dream killers? They cannot keep God from blessing you with what is promised, but they can keep you from believing it will happen! Do you know they will actually speak against what God has promised to you? Sadly, we fall for it because we have more confidence in them than Him! If God said it, what more do you need? Confirmation from others? Nope, just more confining in Him. 

Second mistake is thinking the promise is too big for you. Again, if He promised it, He will see it through. In actuality, our dreams often are not even as big as what He has in store for us. We dream small but God wants to give us big. It is about having faith for the things that are unseen! If you can dream it, He can fulfill it, but you have to believe it!

Lastly, you have to have the courage to walk in the promise. As you may have already been witness to, everyone will not support you. Hell, some will walk beside you and not understand the promise on your life. They will do everything to keep you from it. You have to learn to speak life into yourself, be courageous and stop asking for permission. 

"Stop asking for permission!"

The promise is yours. Will you let it be fulfilled or will you let fear delay it until it dies? The choice seems quite clear, but for some, not so much. Do some soul searching. Sit in your closet with God. Confide in Him. Let Him lead you. The promise is waiting to be fulfilled. Don’t let it be buried with you. 

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