
By Kia G.

Trust. Whether it is with a friend, family member, coworker, or with your significant other, the definition is the same. It is the belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Although the definition is the same, the meaning and implications are somewhat different, when it is broken. Depending on who breaks it, depends on how you react to it and how hurt you are by it. 

The way I respond to my trust being broken may be different than how you may respond. The way you value it, may be different than the way I value it. For me…I trust that you will be honest with me, no matter the consequences. I trust that you will not lie to me, no matter what is at stake. Do not think that you are protecting because you are only protecting yourself from the reality behind the truth.  In my book, if you have to lie to me, you are not trustworthy. 

...I trust that you will be honest, no matter the consequences"

If I trust you, the expectation is that you will not hurt me, on purpose. It is not easily given but truly harder to regain. I have an expectation that you will not judge me and that you will keep whatever secret I may have divulged to only you. If you are being interrogated, you will not crack under pressure. My loyalty is for the one who will continue to hide the treasure, even when we are mad. Trust is not only about telling the truth, even when it hurts, but it is also about respecting and valuing the relationship at all levels. 

"My loyalty is for the one who will continue to hide the treasure"

In a relationship, it is the most valuable asset you have; not money, or sex, but trust. Once it is broken, it is almost impossible to get it back. Sadly, when it is broken over and over again, it breaks not only the bond, but the other’s spirit; which is something only God can repair. 

For me… it is the trust, nothing more and nothing less. If we do not have it, we have nothing at all. From raising kids to being a best friend, trust is something that I hold dear. A white lie is still a lie and hiding the truth is still deceit. The consequence of not telling the truth either comes immediately or in the long run. My mom always used to tell me, “If you tell one lie, you have to tell another to cover that one up.” Lying is a vicious cycle that usually catches up with itself. 

Honesty is the best policy and the only way to be true. Lying is a form of deceit and equals unworthiness. Whether it is to cover up your lateness to work or why you missed your kids recital, the hurt to the other is still the same. And just think, the damage to your character even more so. 

From this day forward, I want you to promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What should matter the most is who you reflect as a person and not what you are trying to cover up…for the time being. 


All is fair in truth and honesty….

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