The Devil Is Such A Hater

Kia G.

Have you ever noticed that when you are faithing life out and clinging to what matters most, your relationship with God, the devil has to hate on you! The closer you get to God, the more things start to happen to you. The devil knows that if he catches you off guard, you are more than capable of falling and becoming stuck in a dark place. 

He seems to be overjoyed thinking, “I have her or him now. There is no way faith will save them from this”. But, my God… He does not know the relationship you and your Father have formed. Everytime he expects you to lean into your fear, your doubts, your insecurities and your depression. 

You pray, he gives you something. 

You praise, he does something else. 

You participate in serving, he gives you one more thing. 

When we are experiencing so much turmoil, we tend to ask “why?”. The question we should be asking is, “why is the devil after me all the time?” “Why am I on his radar so frequently?” “Aren’t there others he can wreck havoc on?” Not that I want anyone to be going through trials and tribulations, but I surely want to know why he is hitting me so hard?

Guess what? The devil actually knows that God has his hands on you! He knows that right over this hill, your power, your passion, your break through , and your calling is waiting. He knows that you are about to cause some major Hell…

The devil will stop you at all cost. He does this with the knowledge that there is a calling over your life. He knows that you are meant to help someone. He knows that souls will be saved because of your testimony. He knows that he will lose some followers because of the life you have chosen to live. 

"He knows that you are meant to help someone"

His mission is to break you. He does not expect you to praise your way through it. Nor does he expect for you to be thankful he was pushing you. If it was not for moments such as today, you wouldn’t be qualified to save those souls. You wouldn’t have a story to tell. Your testimony would be that of your mother, your father, or someone else. It wouldn’t be from your heart. You wouldn’t have the scars. You wouldn’t have endured the pain. 

All of his pushing is for a purpose… it is to get you closer to your destiny. Don’t STOP.  Don’t PAUSE.. Don’t just GO, but PUSH! 

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