Thank You Letter

Kia G.

Dear You,

I want to take the opportunity to tell you thank you and that I appreciate you. First, I would like to thank you for putting me down. For using  my flaws against me. You belittled me and often times made me feel less than. You made me feel like a prisoner in my own home and alienated me from those who loved me. You did so to hurt me, but today I want to say thank you for your actions. 

Second, I want to thank the person who lied on me. You thought that if you smeared my name, you could alienate me. You fabricated untrue stories and fed them to anyone that would listen. You dug ditches for me and waited for me to fall in. Your evil ways did not take friends away, just the naysayers that needed to go. I just want to tell you I appreciate you. 

To the person who left me, I cried and felt loneliness for what was lost, not being able to imagine any type of  future. I thought my world was coming to an end and even questioned whether life was worth living. I questioned my worth and my ability to find joy through the pain. Now I look back and I say thank you. 

To the people who did not believe in me, thank you. You told me no because I did not meet your qualifications. I thank you for saying that the experience I had was not enough and for not having the faith that my work ethic would help me along the way. You said if I only had a couple more years beneath my belt, I would have been worth a chance. I want to thank you for not believing in me. 

All of these things hurt me. I felt betrayed, lost, and even broken. My self-worth and confidence were wrapped up in each of these attacks against me. I did not realize that these were all tests that would make up my testimony. God used each event in my life to build the heart and spirit of the woman I destined to become. I am so thankful for each hurt, pain, and betrayal that I experienced. The more you drug me, the more God blessed me. 


I write to you in hopes that you will see my life and decide that you want to trust God too. The hurt you set out to give is only hurting you. There is more life for you to live and to give.  Start with asking God to lead and guide you. God loves you and so do I. I am praying for you daily and am forever grateful  to you,  for helping me become the one God ordained me to be.



Kia G.

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