Stealing Your Joy

Kia G.

Most of us are prepared for home invasion, by robbers. We have alarms on our house, double locks, and cameras in place. We have alerts that come to our phones, notifying us when our doorbell rings or somebody is near. For the most part, our homes are safe, but what about our mental safety?

We are not as prepared for someone trying to steal our joy. We fall victim almost daily to these attempts. Often these attempts make us lose balance, sometimes knocking us completely off our feet. Usually the people that we least expect are the ones that are casing out your well being… laying wait in the dark to catch us slipping. We must understand that we are more vulnerable than our homes? We have to prepare our soul and self for robbers, just like we do our homes.  They may not be apparent and may even be considered sneak attacks.

" will take discernment and faith."

How do we prepare for the break-ins that are silent and unseen to the human eye? You have to put radars and traps in place to catch them. No, I am not telling you to boobytrap your body, but that’s sort of what I mean. I cannot tell you exactly what to do, because it will be different for each person, with different situations. The thing I can tell you is that it will take discernment and faith. These should be your weapons of choice. Both will need you to get in your battle stance…on your knees.

No matter how you prepare, the joy stealers will still attack. It may be simple or it may be large. You have to be ready for both. A few ways they attack is through rumors and lies. They will spew these to anyone that listens. You may know about them and you may not. Of course, not knowing is best and you are not fazed by it. The problem  is when you are aware of them . You want to clear your name and often are hurt by the accusations. You are bothered mostly because you don’t want people to see you in a negative light. But does it matter? If the person is able to sabotage someone’s perception of you, they truly don’t know the true you. Another way they may try to attack you is alienating you, making you feel alone. You may be alone, but remember you have the best friend there is, Jesus and he will wash away all your tears. The list can go on and one, but the key is preparation. 

You have to live life knowing that attacks will happen. You always have to be ready. Remember, the battle is not yours, it is the Lord’s. He didn’t ask you to handle it all and he even told us that we are not free from attacks. Utilize your helpline, “Father, I stretch my hands to thee, no other help I know”. He will see you through.  When you learn how to battle, you will notice that your scars are fewer, because His shield is greater than any ammunition the enemy has.

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