Soulmates Really Do Exist

By Kia G.

We have often heard that our soulmate is out there. Many spend entire lifetimes searching for them, never to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Others are lucky, or should I say blessed to have found the one that their soul loves. The one that if separated, it is only life support that is keeping that soul alive. 

"...After my divorce that I encountered the very soul I was connected to"

Being in a relationship for 19 years and married for 13 of them, you would imagine that I was one of the blessed ones to have been given my soulmate. Well, that is not the case, it was actually after my divorce that I encountered the very soul I was connected to. I used to shake my head and laugh when I heard someone say that we all have a soulmate. I would whisper to myself, welp, not everyone. I figured that was not a part of the destiny that was created for me.

My soulmate came in the form of a friend. Someone that I shared the innermost parts of me. My hopes, dreams, and realities. They listened and they confirmed how I felt, whether they truly agreed or not. That friendship blossomed into one of the greatest love stories I’ve ever read. The smiles that ignited on our faces, were not due to physical attraction, but it was deep down, without a shadow of doubt knowing that you are loved. 

With this love I felt secure and safe. It was a place built on trust, love, hope, and dreams. I couldn’t even be mad when I wanted to because looking into his face made the disagreement disintegrate. He built me up when I was down. He picked me up when I fell, although he was known for tripping me more often than he would admit (Only he would understand). He made my insecurities feel obsolete. The more I accomplished, the louder he cheered, often encouraging me to step outside of my own comfort zone. 

There were never any harsh words, just loving gestures and tones. If I was sick, he was there, or ensured that someone was by my side. He cared about my well-being and my every step, often watching the clock knowing when it has been too long. Whether I drank my water or ate a meal, his caring had no end. 

Others were encouraged by what we shared. Often learning that it’s never too late to hold his hand. They also saw in a crowded room that it felt like only us two. We never had to say we were in love, you just knew. Some were encouraged but many were not. The vision that was planned for us all was just too big for them to see. They only saw what we had as a threat, not as pure and unique. 

Our love story did not end as most do. There was no happily ever after attached to us. Choices were made and consequences given, but the moral of my story is that true love happens and soulmates really do exist. You were never promised to keep them… just to encounter them. Maybe God wanted to show you He didn’t leave you out… He created him just for you, but this was not the season for keeping….

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