Sabotaging You

Kia G.

We can often pinpoint the moment someone did something to sabotage us, whether it was intentional or not. We are able to recall that very instant almost play by play. The feelings that it caused and the hurt that may have been dealt. Often times the relationship is beyond repair or at least never the same. 

It is much harder to determine the moment in your life that you sabotaged yourself. We may not want to admit it, but it happens more times than we care to admit. Honestly, we do it to ourselves more than others do. Do we get mad at ourselves the way we did when we found out our bestie committed that offense? Probably not! Do you contemplate giving up at the same speed that you did when you were overlooked for something that was meant for you? Absolutely not. It is usually because we do not even recognize our own self defeat.  Not realizing you are setting yourself up for failure is one thing, but not doing anything to change it is worse. 

My examples of self sabotage are major to me. I have personally sabotaged myself on  personal and professional levels. My take down methods are often mental, often thinking I am not good enough to accomplish the very thing I worked so hard to achieve. I work hard to convince myself that someone else could certainly be much better at it than me, questioning whether I am the right person to handle it all. I find myself in a mind game, which often ends in me saying, “this is too good to be true.” Not because I am not capable, but because I doubt that someone like me deserves anything that is truly good. I do all of this thinking without  even realizing all I am doing is talking myself out of the blessing that was set aside for me. 

The list of ways I sabotage could go on and on. I used to make lists of why this would never work out for me, not once thinking that it was actually created just for me. I have learned that if I am going to be a victim of  sabotage, I will not be holding the weapon. I am on a mission to improve and to win. The spirit of fear lives here no more. That feeling has been changed to thoughts of prosperity, grace, growth, glory, and favor. 

The next time you find yourself self-sabotaging, stop and check yourself. Look at the reflection in the mirror and remind you that worthiness is staring back at you. Tell yourself that you are enough. Repeat it until you believe it. This is your season… so exhale the doubt and inhale His grace, which is sufficient for you. The life that is planned for you is waiting for you to walk into it… it’s yours to have. What are you waiting for? 

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