
By Kia G.

Have you ever heard that you can take the person out of the hood, but you cannot take the hood out of the person? Well, my hand is raised because that is me. I have just a tad bit of hood in me and frankly, I love that side of me. I love ratchet music, at times, and I curse more than I would admit to. My mood can go from zero to one hundred, real quick… but then I remember that I am on a journey of betterment. 

"...i am a tad bit hood and I love that side of me"

Loving all types of music, Of course I love everything Megan the Stallion, especially SAVAGE. Living my life with God leading me, I put my SAVAGE in a different context.

I am SAVED. From a young age I gave the Lord my hand and my heart. I may not have always followed His lead, but I knew He was the only way. 


I am ANOINTED. I am anointed in my gift, in my lane, and for His purpose. When I look at life His way, I am appointed and anointed.

I am VALUED. The Lord values the life he breathed into me…therefore I value me. I value my journey, my experiences, my downfalls, and all of my flaws. I value my purpose and my presence. 

I am AWESOME. There are so many amazing and talented individuals that occupy this thing we call life, but there is only one ME. I have spent a lifetime trying to find me and once found, I realized just how awesome I was. I stopped comparing myself to others and realized just how dope I was. Yes, I am so very awesome. 

I am GRATEFUL. The Lord gives me favor by waking me up every morning. He gives me grace. He forgives me when I stray. He still provides for me when I forget to spend time with Him. He doesn’t neglect me when I am too busy for Him. I am thankful and grateful that He doesn’t bless me according to my obedience to Him. I am grateful that He chooses to answer me over and over again. 

I am EMPOWERED. Through His grace and mercy I am empowered and encouraged. I am empowered to be me. I am empowered to stay true to me. I am empowered to speak my truth. I am empowered to live my life according to my own standards, with God’s guidance, of course. Because I am empowered, I empower others. I want to lead by example…and even by my mistakes. I want others to find their purpose and be okay with fulfilling it. It is easy to sing a song by an artist that talks about being tough..a SAVAGE… but how about putting your own spin to it. Own who you are, not who they say they are. This journey, this life is about YOU… so be your own kind of  SAVAGE

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