Remember My Name

By Kia G.

How many times do you encounter someone and do not remember their name? How many rooms have you been in and no one sitting in there knew your name? How many people have you worked with that when you see you say, “Where do I know you from?” What is your name?

Every encounter and situation should be memorable; they should know your name. How many times have you given an idea, only to have someone else brand it as their own? Have you ever watched your dream become someone else’s reality, but only if they knew your name. 

For years we have sat in the corner and watched others take our plans and make them theirs. Oh, yes they may give you credit or mention that you helped. Telling others your goals and watching them achieve them, not even remembering it was you that originally owned them. 

Don’t you think it is time they knew your name? Instead of sitting back and letting others claim your fame, why not tell them your name? Instead of telling them how this would make that work better, how about telling them your name? So many ideas, so many plans, and oh so many goals have been stolen and used as their own. You never speak up or ask for the credit, but what if they knew it was your original plan?

Would you be the one to win the award or get the accolades. Would you receive recognition, a bonus or even a title change? Would you be asked for future input or given a project of your own to lead? If you stepped out front or even raised your hand, would you be given the mike stand? Would you share your knowledge and expertise that would surely make them gain?

 Are you willing to let your light shine and show why you work so hard? Are you willing to stand up and say it proudly and with big confidence? Or are you going  to stand in their shadows and let them continue to not know your name?


If you aren’t brave enough to say it, may I simply ask what is your name? 

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