Rejection Made Me

By Kia G.

Working in nursing, there are many times that you receive a phone call from the lab. Sometimes the call is because the result is abnormal and needs to be reported to the physician. Other times, the specimen tube may not be labeled correctly. Then there are the calls that the lab states the sample is rejected, and you have to recollect it. These calls can be some of the worst ones to get, because you have to inflict pain on the patient to get another sample. Rejection does not mean the process is stopped, it just means that it has to be restarted. 

"Rejection does not mean the process stopped, it just means it has to be restarted!"

In life, we have all encountered being the rejected sample. It is often times a negative feeling or situation, but it’s because we immediately think of the pain we went through and what we will have to go through, yet again. Rejection does not feel good, when it is you. As long as it is someone else that has to go through the process of being stuck again, by the needles of life, it is cool. When it is us, we just about lose our minds. 

"Rejection does not feel good when it is you!"

I am no different! Believe me, I have felt the pains of rejection and could not get past the question, ” why do I have to go through this again?” I am never one that cannot ask why! In all situations, my first question is why. I am a work in progress, continue to pray for me. It is not the why that has to be answered, but what was lacking for the sample to be rejected? 

Rejection does not have to be a bad thing. It is always a lesson. We have to be willing to ask, what did I do wrong or how can I change the outcome, when I do this again. Yes, you have to do it again. Just because you were rejected does not mean that you get to stop. The result is still pending…you just have to recollect the sample. You may have to be poked and prodded to get the right mixture of what is needed for the results. It may be painful. It may take two or three attempts, but guess what, pain does not last past that moment. 

"...pain does not last past that moment."

If I had never been told no, I would not know the blessing in yes. If I had not been left behind, I would not know what faith feels like. If I had been chosen, I would not know what resilience looks like.  If I had not been knocked down, I would not know how to get up. If people had not turned their backs on me, I would not know who is really on my team.  You see, all those times I was rejected, I had to go the process of rebuilding me. I had to experience the pains of life, in order to be where I am today. My only responsibility was to endure the sting of it. I had to learn that sometimes rejection is keeping you from something that may ultimately wind up hurting you. I had to learn to hold on to God during the storm and depend on His grace and mercy. I had to learn the beauty in rejection. 

Rejection did not break me….it made me!


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