Raising Bars

By Kia G.

We, as women, have proven that our place is not just in the home raising our families. We have flooded colleges and graduated top of our classes. We have not only been invited into rooms, but we now have a seat at the table. No’s have become yesses and never has become always. Making history no longer means refusing to give up your seat on a bus, but now you can make history by raising the bar that we set for ourselves. 

I have been blessed to have become friends with a phenomenal God-fearing mom, wife, sister, aunt, and friend. She is the owner of her private practice law firm and CEO of her own non-profit helping families who are living through their child’s cancer journey. Luby Myrthil has taught me about having crazy faith and she empowers me with each conversation. She is selfless and exudes confidence and courage. 

Luby Myrthil earned her law degree from Stetson College of Law in 2011 and she was admitted to the Florida Bar in 2012.

Luby first started practicing law as a volunteer at St. Michael’s Legal Center for Women and Children. There she became very familiar with family law, and in 2013, she went from being a volunteer to part-time associate attorney; continuing to represent clients with family, guardianship, bankruptcy, and foreclosure matters. Luby decided she wanted to learn more, so she accepted another part-time position as an associate attorney with the law firm Father’s Rights.

Luby’s second son, Alexander “Papou” Myrthil, was diagnosed with (ALL) Leukemia in March of 2014. She took some time off from practicing law to commit all her time to caring for her son. She and her family fully committed themselves to helping their son beat cancer. Late 2015, Luby returned to practicing law. 

Her son fought and won his battle with childhood cancer on July 1, 2017. He is currently three years off of chemotherapy. 

However, while her family celebrated Papou’s victory, Luby understood there are families in need of emotional, spiritual, financial support. She decided that she was going to be the answer. 

With a new sense of purpose, when she is not practicing law, she dedicates her time providing free Wills for families with childhood cancer, she and her husband, Vincent, records cancer related episodes for their podcast, “The Loud Mouse”, they also run a nonprofit organization called Papou’s Mouse and they are very active in promoting childhood cancer through other organizations.

Her goal is to raise awareness for childhood cancer because  she understands that awareness brings money, money fund research and research brings hope for a cure!


Women’s history month is not only about recognizing those who have paved the way for us, but it is also about celebrating the ones we walk with daily. The women in my life are owning their lanes and mentoring others to do the same. They are not afraid to help the young lady next to them or behind them. They have learned that by helping someone else find their place in history, they win too. This life is about us coming together, grabbing that bar, and raising to heights that this world has not seen. It is not about competition, but sisterhood. We accomplish more together than we would alone. Look around you and see who needs help raising that bar… maybe if you put your hands on theirs, you can raise their bar too. Let’s keep that bar moving….

2 thoughts on “Raising the Bar

  1. Thank you for highlighting extraordinary women in our community who are making a difference every single day. Luby inspire and challenges me every day to be unapologetically me in all areas in my life. I admire her grace, fun and beautiful personality as she continues to grow spiritually, personally, and professionally.

    1. Christy, no thanks needed! I am appreciative for every individual that has poured into me. If it was not for women like Luby, I am not sure if I would be fulfilling my life purpose or having crazy faith. We have to start giving one another our flowers while we are living. Sometimes we don’t recognize just how impactful we are until someone says thank you. We may think we are just being us…but to that person you may have just changed their path in life. I want others to appreciate and recognize the great women in their lives, just like I do!

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