
That Dirty Little Word

By. Kia G.

I am not sure about your feelings, but the word patience has become a dirty little word to me. It is something that many will tell you is needed in order to get through life, but no one tells you how to master it. The bible tells us that one sure way to get patience is through Jesus Christ. If you research it, you will find countless scriptures that remind, we must wait on God. They tell us His timing is not ours and reminds us His plans are not either. Of course, those answers aren’t always good enough for me, so I question why would he skip over me when He was handing out perfect portions. 

" one tells us how to master it!"

I have learned that there is usually a lesson in the waiting. We are being shown perseverance and also that God’s timing is actually quite perfect. I am not sure about you, but I hate to hear people quote it…knowing deep in my heart that it is true.  During seasons of waiting, we must ask God, “what am I supposed to be learning?” If we ask this question, He will surely answer. It is in His answer that we find the key to perfect patience. 

Most of the time we believe that waiting is punishment, but often times it is for a purpose. It is not to make us suffer or because we do not deserve what we are asking for.  It is for you to work on you, your talents, your purpose, and your relationship with God.  It is meant to smooth out the rough areas of you. It is meant to grow you in areas that may have withered. It also teaches us how to behave while we are waiting. 

"It is meant to grow you in areas that are withered"

Patiently waiting on God, is something so easy to quote, yet so hard to live by. We want things when we want them, whether it’s good or bad. We often think about the time spent waiting, but never about the pain that it prevented. Patience is like the buying rule…you know the one where you wait a couple days to see if the impulse is still there? Yeah, that one! Patience gives you time to realize if what you are asking for is truly a desire, a want, or a need. It keeps you from making a purchase that will ulitmately break you.  It helps you to discern what is really meant for you. It is almost like a safety net keeping you from falling off into the deep sea of regret. 

Waiting is not meant to torture us, but most of the time it is keeping us safe. When you find yourself beginning to question why do you have to wait, stop and ask, “what am I supposed to learn?” Then ask, “am I behaving appropriately for the blessing that is instore?” God is not trying to make us unhappy or live in a constant state of impatience. He wants us to trust that He will provide all that we ask Him for. He actually gives us the desires of our heart, but He never promised instant gratification. Trusting Him means trusting the plan, and thus understanding that patience is not a dirty little word, but a little saving grace. 

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