
When God tells you it is time to move

By Kia G.

If I can describe myself, I would say I am a creature of habit. I like stability. It makes me comfortable and protected. It makes me feel secure and it provides a sense of normalcy. Can you imagine what happens when things do not go as planned? I absolutely feel a loss of control, and I am sure that’s exactly what I should feel all the time, since God is always in control. 

What do you think happens when I am made to move out of that place of comfort? Panic and ask God why, are always my first two options, but I already know how that plays out. In these situations, there are really only two choices…retreat or fly!

Many may think it is easier to retreat and stay where the feeling of safety is near. If I were completely honest, that is where I would choose to stay also, but I know it is not about being comfortable. It is about the possibility, and asking yourself, “What if I was meant to fly?”

My journey has been interesting to say the least. One of the greatest things I have been given to walk this journey, the gift of discernment and favor. These gifts, can be seen as small, but to me, they are bigger than them all. Recently I sat and wrote my goals on a poster board in my home office. It is not just a list of goals I would like to accomplish, but goals I have faith-ed into existence. 

When I read the goals, out loud, I say them as if they have already happened. You see, I call that “faithing it”. There are many goals listed and I say them in no specific order. One example is I am a happy and submissive wife. I may not have a husband yet, but I am speaking like he is right here next to me, with my head on his chest. I asked God for him and I believe he has already answered. 

On my list, there are nine things, I believe He has already done. Now, the one thing I will say, especially if you are getting your paper and pen ready to start your own list…be careful what you ask for. The thing about God, He will answer, but it may not be in the way you are expecting. I wrote a goal about prospering and taking the next step in my professional career. I said it every time I sat at my desk. I said them with passion and thanksgiving, knowing God had been faithful by answering. 

" careful what you ask for!"

I must say, I have always had favor, but in God’s timing. He opens doors and all I am asked to do is walk through. That sounds easy, but sometimes walking through means moving out of that safety zone. “Do you trust me, he asks?” My trust is the only answer I must give, knowing this is not where it will end. 

"sometimes walking through means walking out of that safety zone."

As I am walking out this obedience thing, I know that God is in control. He is answering my prayers, but I must go where He sends. There is no fear or uncertainty, for I know it is all a part of His plan. I have to go where He sends me, because that is where my next growth spurt is. If you follow me, you will see, what God has in store for me.

If I can teach you anything, don’t get comfortable, especially when you are approaching God with a list of demands. He will give you what you deserve and so much more, but please know…it won’t be in your comfort zone and you will have to decide will you retreat or fly? 

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