It's My Story To Tell

BY Kia G.

When others confide in us, it is our duty, to hold their truth. If they wanted the whole world to know, I am sure they would have told it themselves. The very thing that we speak about could be the one thing that tears them apart. Be careful how freely you tell others stories because one day they could be yours. 

There is no better storyteller than myself. I experienced it and no one can tell it like me. The joy, the pain, the wrong, and the right. Do not use my story to tell someone else how wrong they are. Through my ups, downs, curves, and turns I tell my story to help and uplift; not tear down. 

"There is no better story teller than myself"

Being a friend is not about judging and adding up wrongs. It is about being loving and supportive through it all. My decisions may not have been yours and you may feel my struggles are beneath you, but guess what? On the day of judgement please remember that your sin of choice may be different than mine, but it is sin the same. You will have to answer for all that you’ve done wrong and I will have to answer for my wrongs, as well. 

Worry about your own testimony and remember mine is my own story to tell…

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