I Am History

By Kia G.

March is coming to an end and so is Women’s History Month. I have taken the opportunity to show appreciation to some of the women in my life that are raising the bar, owning the community sector, and bringing out the beauty in others. They have taught me that being successful is not about how much money you have in the bank, but what type of legacy you will leave. They have shown that the life you live should be more than the bag you sport or the shoes you wear. It is about the  relationships you build, the people you mentor,  and the people you are willing to help. It is not about the number of followers you have, but the one individual you empower or inspire. They did not set out with the intention to inspire, but in their own unique way they each added  value to my life, for which I am forever grateful. 

My life would not be half of what it is if I did not have strong women in it. From my birth mom, to my mother (who raised me), to my momma Cookie who lovingly guides me through life. Then there is my daughter, my sisters, my aunts, and cousins. There are my sister friends and also some associates that have all added knowledge, wisdom, and courage to continue my journey. They have encouraged me, they have supported me,  and they have pushed me to be a better me. The roads may not have always been smooth, but they somehow made them clearer. They have all taught me that you have to learn to celebrate you, just like you do others. 

The life that was given to me has not been easy. I have had to overcome some obstacles and learn that I am more than my past. I have had to learn to speak my truth and not be ashamed of it. I have had to learn my worth and accept nothing less than what I expect. I have had to learn to walk boldly through doors that were in front of me.  I went from the projects to homeownership. I went from being a teenage mom to a holding a masters degree. I started out as a cashier in a grocery store to managing a nursing team of over 200 employees. I started my own blog in hopes to tell my story so that someone else feels the courage to walk in theirs. Understand and acknowledge your own progress before you let someone else make you feel like you have not already achieved greatness. 

Through this journey called life, I have found my passion and purpose of helping others be their true selves. When I am asked why do I do what I do…it is simple, to give God the glory. He has been rock from the beginning and has seen me through many storms. Without Him, nothing would be possible. The next question is who do I do it for: my three children. I am who I am because I am their mother. When everyone left me, they were by my side. My hope is that my blog empowers and inspires that one person to get up and follow their dreams. Your voice and your vision matter… and there is someone waiting for you to speak to their inner critic that is telling them they cannot do it. Making history is not about making headlines, but about changing lives. Your story may not be spoken by millions of people, but to someone you will be the one that helps them re-write their ending. 

Live your life with a purpose and always with your legacy in mind. The life you lead today, will be the history for the ones that follow. 

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