How Would You Live Today If You Knew It Was Your Last?

By Kia G.

As I am getting older, the more I realize time does not wait for anyone. Most of us have spent years dreaming about and planning for our futures. We plan for later, always putting off today, because we think we have the privilege of tomorrow. If you were able to see what date would be your last, would you continue living the way you are now? Not saying there is anything wrong with it, but would having a defined timeline change anything? 

"We plan for later, putting off today, because we think we have the privilege of tomorrow!"

I am always  reciting to others how they must live their life because tomorrow isn’t promised to them; never once taking that same advice. I recently was asked the question would I live my life differently if I knew my death dateWhen faced with that question, I thought about all the life I have not lived and all the things I have not done. I also thought about the loved ones I have spoken to in years. 

Suddenly someone close to my family was gone and I realized just how quickly our number can be called. This made me think about today, not the future, and how I wanted to live my everyday life. None of us want to have regrets, so why not live your life knowing time is not guaranteed to any of us? I am not saying live foolishly, but live it with a purpose. 

"I am not saying live foolishly, but live it with a purpose."

If there is someone you need to apologize to or be honest with, do it. How about the person you have alienated because of the mistake they made? Is it really worth not burying the hatchet? Better yet, have you told that special person how much they truly mean to you? Then there is also that show you have been dying to go see and that vacation you keep putting off! Don’t be mistaken, you aren’t the only one…we all have the things we are planning on doing, when the time permits. But what if that day never comes? Would you have any regrets? I know I would make sure him and I played one last game of connect four.

I would sit and talk to my kids about nothing in particular, making sure they knew I only wanted what was best for them. I would make sure each one of my siblings heard what was in my heart, that I loved them dearly and we were never that far apart. My time would be spent doing the thing that comes most easy, loving the ones God entrusted to me. 

"My time would be spent doing the thing that comes easy, loving the ones God entrusted to me."

When you realize years may be a few days, you only want to do the things that are dear to your heart. The material things won’t matter and neither will the lavish vacation you thought you must have. It will be the people you love, that will tug at your heart. Say the things you have been wanting to say. Experience the adventures you have been wanting to try. Spend the time that you have been too busy to spend. Eat the cake you’ve been craving, but been too busy trying to save that waistline. 

"It will be the people you love that will tug at your heart!"

Stop putting off the things you want to do when there is no guarantee that you’ll be able to do them “when the time is right.” None of us know the day nor the hour, so why are we living like we have until eternity. If you love them, tell them. If you want to eat it, eat it. If you want to take an impromptu trip, take it. Our only regret should be we didn’t start living sooner. Every moment is a gift and should be treasured. Do not take the life we are living for granted, nor the time we are given, because we can’t plan the ending. Live each day like it’s your last. Laugh often. Sing out loud. Dance to your own beat. Do not go to bed with anger in your heart and forgive often. Lastly, but most importantly, love hard! We don’t like it, but the reality is we have more life behind us than in front of us.  

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