Growing In Grace

By Kia G.

As a christian, it can be very hard to let go of old ways. Some of our attitudes and actions have been with us for so long, they have become a natural part of how we behave. Although these behaviors are who we are, it does not mean we get to keep them. If you are serious about your walk with God, you have to be okay with shedding some of the old.

"If you are serious, you have to be okay with shedding some of the old"

When discussing old habits with others, it can cause a room to grow cold, unless of course, one is speaking about their own experience. When speaking of life issues, I always discuss my own, since I am the only one who wrestles with worldly vs kingdom living. 

"Saying yes to God, means saying no to the world"

It is very easy to think once you say yes to God, you will be able to say no to the world. I will be the first to say, nope, it is not easy. We often think of “worldly” things, such as hanging out and or engaging in activities that aren’t christian-like, but there are other things we must consider.  There are many behaviors that are more worldly than some of the places you may go. 

Let’s start with my attitude. It may be hard to believe, but it stinks sometimes. The way I may behave in some situations are far from becoming, but in the moment, I don’t care. Is that the way Jesus would act, certainly not, and now I must be mindful of this very thing. The funny thing is, I know when I am behaving badly, and I choose to shrug it off. I am realizing, in order to fully walk in my purpose, I must grow in grace. 

Another area I seem to fall in, is pettiness. My petty is most often shown in my sarcastic comments. I am not perfect, by any means, and I fall short in this area. I can usually pin-point why I feel the need to be petty and most times it coming from a place of hurt. I have realized if people are continuing to make me feel like I need to be petty, I am most likely entertaining someone who’s not on the level God has me on. I am not saying there aren’t petty people in high places, but if they are the only ones making you act up, take a step up. You have to decide if you’ll continue to stumble or will you grow in grace? 

"Is there a thin line, or do I talk too much?"

Now this next area, I am working extremely hard not to find myself falling short…talking too much or gossip. Is there a thin line or do I just talk too much? Being silent is an option, but will others take that as being rude? I am not sure of the answer, but I find myself often saying, “maybe I should have kept that to myself!” If you have to question whether a conversation was right to have, then most likely you should have been silent. If someone will use the information against you later, then maybe you shouldn’t have had it. If they are picking up the phone, as soon as you hang up, to share with someone else…maybe you should have been silent. 

I am sure I can go on and on listing things where I find myself struggling, but I am sure you have gotten my point. Worldly things do not necessarily have to be things outside of your front door. Most of these things are internal factors that may keep you from walking in your purpose. They are things you have the power to change. Just because you are not Jesus, does not mean you can’t strive to be like him. We will fall daily. We may even trip a couple times a day, but does that mean don’t try again? No, it means you need to give it to God and choose to grow in grace. 

"...give it to God and choose to grow in grace."

Growing in grace is about making a decision to do better. It means making a choice to focus on what you have the ability to change. Anything outside of you, give it to God, it is not yours to deal with. Grace is knowing your limitations. Grace is knowing who’s you are. Grace is knowing who you are and what you are capable of doing. Grace is about asking Him to direct your path and work on the things you are not built to handle. Growing in grace, simply means letting go and letting God. The decision is yours. What will you do? 

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