Effortlessly Enough

By Kia G.

The word enough means different things to different people. For some, it is just as the dictionary states, “as much or as many as required.” For others, like myself, it is the definition of my self-worth or value. This word, as small as it may seem, is a giant to many.  It has been one of my insecurities that I have hidden nicely beneath my mask, for years. 

Insecurities are tricky little things that will have you wrapped up in your feelings. My thoughts of not being enough came from years of disappointments and pain. Along the way, someone may have shouted that very thing to me, not knowing it would be the one thing I carried throughout countless years. 

People compared me to others, making me feel like I could never measure up. I often looked at my accomplishments and felt I was staring at a failing report card, even though my accolades exceeded most scores. How many letters behind my name would it take for me to feel like enough? How much money would I need in the bank to feel worthy? What size pants would I need to squeeze into to measure up? All questions that ran through my mind day in and day out.   

Feeling trapped by insecurities had me in a jail cell that I held the key to. If you are like me, you must realize that you do not have to be imprisoned by your own self doubt. The world standards or others views are not what make us enough or worthy. It is our own self perception that is the key. 


"...do not be imprisoned by your own self doubt"

Is it easy to overcome, you may ask. Some may say no, but I beg to differ. It is truly about your mindset and choosing to embrace who you are, what you represent, and whose you are. Being you is enough. You may not be where you want to be, but you are where you are supposed to be. Remember God knows the plans He has for you. He knew what you would go through and what you would grow through. 

As long as you believe you are not enough, the more the enemy can make you lose focus on what is in store for you. It is time to release that negativity and foolish thinking. God made you, so you are more than enough. It is not up for debate. you are enough, and that settles it. It does not matter if you can’t feel it, the more you say it, the more you will start believing it. Now, just repeat after me..


I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am enough...

Say it until you feel it…even if that takes years. You are worth the wait!

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