Don't Let Your Petty Stop You

By Kia G.

If we admit it, we have all had at least one petty moment. Speaking for myself, which I am working on, have at least one petty moment a day. Before you judge, remember I have never confessed perfection only authenticity. Some pettiness is ammunition in result of shots being fired at you. No matter the reason, it may be keeping you from the blessings stored up for you. 

"I have never confessed perfection only authenticity!"

Pettiness, unless it pays you, should not be any of our full-time job. The way we respond to others says a lot about our own character. The way react says a lot about us, not them, no matter their transgression. Your witty comebacks and slick sayings are usually meant to prove a point, but again, it only speaks to the character within you. 

"Pettiness, unless it pays you, shouldn't be a full-time job."

A snap back is not needed, mostly just wanted. When someone offends us, we feel the need to get them straight, but at what cost? Do you feel better about the initial insult? Does it erase what was done or said? Does it take away the pain you felt? Honestly, probably not, but at least they know how much it bothered you? 

Not all pettiness is the result of getting back at someone who hurt us. It can be in the form of boasting and bragging about yourself. A lot of the time we shine our light in front of those that have made our light feel dim. We feel a need to try and measure up, when you are actually stepping down to be where they are. 

"Does getting revenge bring you satisfaction?"

Who are you? What is important to you? Does getting revenge bring you satisfaction? The tongue is the most powerful tool we have and what we speak can kill. Most of us should be serving life sentences due to the number of people and or dreams we have killed. Have you ever thought about what would happen if we put our petty down? We would all win… 

Hurt people hurt people and purposeless people are petty. If we want to heal, get out of your feelings. When others hurt us, speak up. When others outshine us, help them shine a little better. Your light is needed in another area and by helping them, they may in turn help you too. 

"When others outshine us, help them shine a little better."

I am looking for those who are ready and up for the challenge. The task is easy, but may seem quite hard. Let’s be purpose driven and petty protestors! 

If you are in, let’s get it. If not, hopefully soon you will realize you are too blessed to live below your purpose and to let petty continue stopping you from being great!

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