Women History Month: Celebrating My Tribe

By Kia G.

Most of us have women in our lives that we are inspired by. Some of the women we only know because of their presence in the media or by their platform. These women do not know that they have touched our lives or that they are motivating us. When we are asked about women in history, we think about all the trailblazers that have come before us. The ones that have made this month and this moment in time possible, but what about the ones that hold you up daily?

 When you see a strong woman, look behind her and you will see her tribe rooting her on. There is nothing more empowering than one woman helping another. It can be through mentoring, sisterhood, familial ties, or friendship. I wanted to take the time to highlight some women in my life that are shining, shining, shining. They are moms, wives, entrepreneurs, and I call them my friends. 

Their businesses are fire, but so are their souls. They inspire, empower, and encourage me. I am grateful for their presence in my life and for their friendship. They are refreshing and much needed. What better month to highlight the women in my life that keep pushing, encouraging, and riding for me. Sometimes it is not the people that have been there for years, but the ones God has dropped in your life during a season of doubt, self destruction, hurt and loneliness. 

My Manager of all things, Finette Basden, has been my friend, confidant, and encourager. She has selflessly given of herself and her talents to help me start my blogging and Kia’s Art of Living brand name. She believes in me when I cannot see my way and encourages me when I want to give up. It is not always about us, but about the ones that are standing in the paint with us, willing to paint that masterpiece at all cost…. Without further adieu… Mrs. Finette Basden tells you about her and her Art of Living!

“I’m a wife, mother, nurse, photographer, podcast co-host and working on something else…lol. I am a natural born nurturer. I think I try to find the best in everyone and is often driven by the need to help nurture and showcase their talent or gift. I am grateful for all the little things in life. I am also grateful I get to enjoy those moments with my family. Everything I do and work for is because of the love I have for family and friends. I am the go-to person for my family/friends and actually relish in that. I may not be loud or bold and a little hesitant at times, but the one thing I will always do is try. I do not want to ever regret never trying.”

Finette can be found on any given day spending time with her family, taking pictures or building the brand of the woman/man she is helping to the next level. She doesn’t do it for herself, but because she sees God in them and because she has seen a glimpse of the greatness to come. 

Women make history daily; just by getting up and moving. Do not take for granted the women that you have surrounding you. They are your village, your tribe, your girls, and your posse. They support, encourage, pick you up, wipe your tears, and they also get on your butt. Show them that you appreciate them…it doesn’t have to be big, but just a thank you or a little blog post like this… 

Celebrate one another daily…not just this month.

Find at least one woman that rides for you and bless her with the knowledge that you are grateful for her! Happy Women’s History Month to all of you! God Bless 


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