Can You Admit You Have a Girl Crush

By Kia G.

Can you admit that you have had a crush on a girl? I can! My crushes are not those types of crushes you’re probably thinking of right now. I am absolutely crazy about a few women that are a part of my daily life,in my head. I consider them my sisters, my inspirations, and my mentors. They are phenomenal and powerful.  

"She empowers"

Sarah Jakes Roberts… She is my soul sista and doesn’t even know it. Her testimony is proof that teenage moms  can make it too. She empowers, encourages, and teaches women to embrace their true selves. 

"She radiates happiness..."

Erica Campbell… WOW, where do I begin? Her passion for God is real and it shows. Her sense of style is fierce, free, and oh so fire! She radiates happiness from the inside out. She sings praises to God and the power of believing.

"She taught me to love..."

Rachel Hollis…Girl, Wash your Face AND Girl, Stop Apologizing were eye opening books that gave me encouragement to run after my purpose and to always focus on my goals. She taught me to love who I am and not apologize for it. I LOVE saying, “I don’t give a tinker’s damn”

Kerry Washington…My reason for red wine and a closet full of blazers…Olivia Pope is my secret alter ego. Her attitude, swag, and her confidence are off the charts. She walks with grace, class, and the utmost sass.

They feed the soul and the spirit. Their words and walk speak of their faith, favor, and tenacity. They do not hide from their trials, nor their tears. They embrace how their stumbling blocks have become the stairs to their destiny. Do they have a past, yes? Did they cry? Oh yes. Did they question why, yes? Did they stop? No. They did not let their circumstances defeat them. They used it as motivation to keep their focus on the prize.

Many of us have women we admire. Our mothers, sisters, friends, and mentors. We are inspirational to others, as well. Speak wisdom, positivity, and life into those around and coming behind you. Life is not about competing but reaching down to pull one another up. Look for positive role models. They are all around you. Be the same for someone else. When I win, sis you win, and then we win again…

Now you see that a crush can be just that, a crush. I LOVE my positive and motivational sistas. I lean on them and they give me strength, their words are balm to my soul. They ignite the fire in me to strive to be the best me that only I can be. 

I strive to be that sassy, saucy, swagged out, God fearing woman that radiates brightness in all that she does. Brightly shining through the ashes of what was and now becoming. Phenomenal, courageous, and a beautiful living piece of art…

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