Can I Cheer You On

By Kia G.

Cheerleaders is a word many of us have heard for years. One of the first things thought about are those cheering on the sideline of a sporting event. They are the ones hyping their team up no matter the score on the scoreboard. From the moment they hit the court or field, their enthusiasm is often unmatched. 

"...their enthusiasm is unmatched!"

Before the big game, they are often the ones pepping others up, at the pep rally. They are be considered an integral part of the game. They are known for lifting the mood when their team is losing. They are responsible for hyping the crowd up, but also the players on their team.  

"They are considered an integral part of the game."

In the game of life, do you have a cheer squad? If not, I would love to cheer you on, sis! You might be thinking, “she doesn’t even know me, why would she want to cheer me on?” Guess what? No matter how true both of those might be, we all need a cheering section, and I am willing to be yours. 

It is the first quarter and your energy is at an all time high. Most likely there is a crowd gathered to see how this game will end. There are some cheering for you, but as always there is an opposing team. They are the ones cheering for you to ultimately lose. Your cheerleaders are loud, hyping you up at every turn. They drown out any fears you may have originally had, making it quite easy to end this quarter ahead. 

You have made it to the second quarter and the score has slipped just a little. You are still hyped, but your stamina is starting to fade. You are still making great plays, but you are starting to get in your own head. The opponent is working hard to bring you to your knees. You are moving at a slower pace, wondering if you have what it takes. The sideline looks like a good place to be and you are silently wishing the coach would take you out the game. 

You are not sure how, but you’ve made it this far, the third quarter that is. You are not only tired, but a tad bit weary. You are dropping the ball and mixing up the plays. No matter how much rest is given between plays, you never seem to be able to catch your breath or second wind. The cheerleaders, once very loud, are now second guessing whether you could really pull it off. Some are thinking of  how they could play the game better or why the coach trusted you with so much. You hear the groans, instead of cheering, during every missed play. The opponents lead seems to be growing and all you want to just throw in the towel, but you know you must fight to the end. 

"Some are thinking they could have played the game better."

The whistle just blew and it is now the start of the last quarter. You look up at the scoreboard, see you are losing, but realize it’s not by too much. You hear a loud cheer that was not there before. When you look to find the lone voice, it is me, willing to cheer you on. You decide at this very moment, it is time to dig in! This is your que to give it all you’ve got and leave it all on the field. Remember what’s at stake and how this is your game to win. Your cheering squad may have dwindled and some may have walked off the field. Don’t let it distract you, just focus ahead. Pay attention to the plays, the coach will send them, but you have to listen for the call. You were built for this, all you have to do is play. The goal line is ahead, you are running, with no one on your tail. I am cheering you all the way to the win!

Does my post resonate with you? 

Do you need a cheerleader? 

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