About Me

     Hello is my name is Nakia, but I like to be called “Kia” (Ky-yah). I have three adult children that I am still lovingly mothering. I live in Ruskin, Florida by way of Watts, California. Avid coffee lover. Shopping enthusiast. And don’t judge…Gin connoisseur.

     I am a Nurse Manager by trade where I love nurturing others to grow personally and professionally. I am a life-long journal writer where I have learned that thoughts become lessons that you can turn into actions.

     Through life experiences I have had to learn to live, love, and grow. Learning the art of living on my own terms without the approval of others. Through my testimonies, I want to help others learn to express their true self in their daily life.

My Art of Living

I have learned that simple is the best way to live. Your life and surroundings do not have to be filled with lavish things for you to be happy. Learn what you like and own it.

There is no cookbook recipe that will make the perfect love story for you. It will be made up of your own ingredients. Start your own recipe for what will become your own love story…. it begins with you.

Growth happens over time. It may take days, months, or years. It is the process of “going through” that enables you to “grow through”. The most beautiful flowers can grow as long as the ground it is planted on is watered. 

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

“Everything you can imagine is real”

 Pablo Picasso

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