A Woman's Worth

By Kia G.

A woman’s worth is often determined by the title she holds, the degrees on her walls, and sometimes the person she is in  a relationship with. Her worth seems to be the sum of all the things that others have decided to be her positive factors. We are not talking about net worth, but personal worth. Is there a difference? Does it matter? All questions that I too had to ask myself when I think about my worth. 

It is not something many of us sit around and think about. The thought only comes when you are in a situation that you are not being valued. Sometimes, it is a simple thought of, “I deserve better than this!” or “Why am I allowing this to happen?” Guess what? In this moment we are assessing our worth. 

"I deserve better than this!"

If you are familiar with the song, it states, “She walks the mile makes you smile all the while being true. Don’t take for granted the passions that she has for you. You will lose if you chose to refuse to put her first!”  Our worth is not so much about the amount of accolades we have gained, but who we are as a woman. We bear children, we have careers, we hold down our households, and we give all of ourselves. We do all of this, not for a pat on the back, but out of the love we have for the ones we love.  The moment the people in our lives forget to put us first, is the moment we question our worth. Not that we always want to be first, but last should not always be where we stand. 

"The moment the people in our lives forget to put us first, is the moment we question our worth."

Our worth is not something that we boast about, nor is it something that we advertise. It is something that is personal to each one of us. Your sum does not equal mine, and mine does not equate to hers. Our worth should never be measured by the life of another. We are all unique and have qualities that make our worth immeasurable. 

The next time you find yourself questioning your worth, remind yourself just how valuable you are. You are more precious than any stone that may be placed on your hand. Your are more valuable than any purse that my be given to you. That car depreciates as soon as it leaves the dealer, but you, my dear continue to increase in value. Don’t let anyone measure your worth by the things they buy you…let it be determined by how you are treated, respected, and valued. 

"You are more precious than any stone that may be placed on your hand"

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