A Perfect Guy

Kia G.

Have you ever thought that you have found “THAT GUY”? Just about everyone knows what “THAT GUY” looks like. The one with the great personality, treats you right and loves you for you. He is handsome, has a good job and cares about what your heart desires. If you have had the “luck” to find that guy, I am sure that you would have never thought it wouldn’t last forever. This is the guy you would spend your last dollar on to make him smile. You put your all into making sure he knew he was everything to you. You would spend $700.00 on shoes for him but look crazy and say “I have bills” when it comes to tithing or a fruit offering.

You see “That Guy” has now become center stage in your life, leaving no room for what you use to make priority. How do you think God feels? Who do you call on when you are in trouble or when you want the windows of heaven to pour you out blessings? Certainly not the person you spent your last on, but instead the God you turn to as a last resort. You know the same God, that only wants what’s best for you. The one who would move mountains for you. The one that says, “I’ll carry all of your burdens”. The one that gives so much, even when He receives so little. Who would you say the perfect guy is now?

"Who would you say the perfect guy is?"

Don’t you think it is time to switch the game up? Just think of how your life would be if you did all of those things for God, instead of “that guy”. You would not only receive amazing abundant blessings, but also peace and happiness. So, when you think you have found “THAT GUY”, ask yourself, “Did God ordain this relationship”? Any relationship that is not ordained by God, was chosen by you, and not given by Him. It may seem all too perfect, but soon the truth will be revealed. The veil will be removed and your vision will become so clear. It may break your heart, but He knows what he has prepared for you. God sometimes breaks you to the point that you have only Him to depend on. Once you can let it all go, He will open your eyes and your heart to the destiny that he created only for you. The one he planned before he placed you in your mother’s womb.

"....He knows what he has prepared for you"

God will destroy anything that will keep you from fulfilling his dream and plan he had for you. You may choose to go the route of many hills, detours and roadblocks, but he’ll let you drive for as long as He could stand the ride. When He gets tired of you driving in circles, having flat tires and totaled cars, he will gently remind you of a map that you can use. The one that you’ve always had but tucked away underneath all the papers in the glove compartment of self. Your destination is predetermined, why don’t you let the one who created the map, guide you? His plan is perfect and so is He. 

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